For the second to the last day of the term, our class for period 2/3 and 4 our class did some Christmassy things, I made Christmas Trees as soon I got back from Hui. My family traditions on Christmas day, we wake up in the morning open presents then get ready to go to a family's house, and eat food, then open presents then go to another family's members house eat more food open more presents.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Christmas task
Friday, December 7, 2018
Maths Craft
On the day of Maths Crafts Day, we grabbed all of our Christmasy stuff and headed for the learning commons, As we all waited for some people to turn up as we did. Me, Wajihah and Trisha showed some people on how to make Xmas trees. At the time I was just making paper Christmas Trees and some candy canes it was really fun waiting at the time, actually I was getting a bit bored. Overall no our project was fun to do.
Maths Craft,
Term4 2018,
Xmas Trees Candy canes
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
EOTC Week Writing
So EOTC week has finished I did not really want it to end tho kinda.
I would describe EOTC Week fun enthusiastic and enjoying at times to have fun with my friends. Before the trip, I felt excited to try new thing I have not done before. And After I felt Happy at the and kinda sad because I wanted it to go on another day sometimes. Something I did not enjoy was Adrenaline forest because I am scared of heights and lvl 2 terrified me because it was so long for me as well gladly I was doing it with a friend Wajihah. Overall my best memory from this was paddleboarding activities it was really fun because there was a challenge to fit all your team on one paddleboard and at times I fell off as we as others in my group overall I wish the paddleboarding could go on a little longer.
I would describe EOTC Week fun enthusiastic and enjoying at times to have fun with my friends. Before the trip, I felt excited to try new thing I have not done before. And After I felt Happy at the and kinda sad because I wanted it to go on another day sometimes. Something I did not enjoy was Adrenaline forest because I am scared of heights and lvl 2 terrified me because it was so long for me as well gladly I was doing it with a friend Wajihah. Overall my best memory from this was paddleboarding activities it was really fun because there was a challenge to fit all your team on one paddleboard and at times I fell off as we as others in my group overall I wish the paddleboarding could go on a little longer.

Friday, November 30, 2018
Adrenalin Forest
For the second to last day of EOTC Week, the Yr 8's went to adrenalin forest and Spencer park across the road. One way I showed my carr values is when I never Gave up on level 2 with Wajihah. The Challenge for me was level 2 of Coarse. Something that I accomplished was level 2. Level 2 was challenging because it was really long for me and I was a bit high off the ground, as was a bit terrified because some of the bridges move.
In the end, I think I would not go back there because I am really terrified of heights.
In the end, I think I would not go back there because I am really terrified of heights.

Adrenalin Forest/Spencer park. Wk7,
Monday, November 26, 2018
My Favourite thing this Year
This Monday Eotc week the first day is canceled due to rain. So Our task today is to write about the most enticing thing that has happened this year, and I have chosen koru games/Grils football team.
On a nice bright and coldish morning was the first day of koru games and all the different teams from some of the schools were there. As I was in the girl's football team this year I was really excited in all because my best friend Ruby was there as we listened to the speaker on this huge court, as well as not just other football teams tho but rugby teams and netball teams. After that was over the football teams headed for the bus. After that, we had arrived at the football field as we walked for a bit and found a spot to set up camp. As Ruby just mostly had a snooze while we had no games on at the time. As we both fought side by side but sometimes I am a sub or Rubys is, so we are not always side by side.
It was fun I really wanted to go on more than three days sometimes. As we won some and lost some it was the best three days ever away from school.
Friday, November 23, 2018
EOTC Week Task:4
This Term, The Yr 8's are having an EOTC week. Before then, we have Tasks to do, so here is another one of them below. This one is about a raft.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Maths Craft
Today in Maths craft I chose to continue on with oragami, so looked for a tutorial online on how to make a cat and I found a great one. That I would really suggest to people who are interested in origami and Neko.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Writing task write the perspective of the dog or the girl.
For writing, we watched a music video, and our task was to create a blog post that is to write the perspective of the dog or the girl. And I chose the Girl.
It was a new at school as I was attending soccer training, as I sat there waiting to get chosen by the lead girl, as I was last left on the bench alone. After that day I went home and played soccer with my dog. As I came back to school the next day it was soccer photos as I was in the center holding the ball happily, as I got it took off me as I walked aside from the camera so I wouldn't be in the photo, but as the cameraman signaled me to go closer to the group as he told me to smile. But as I did every looked at me as they started to laugh at me as I ran away as I went back home. As I threw myself on the couch upsettingly as I could hear their dog scratching at the door as I got up as I opened as I let my dog in. As months went by I found myself walking into the lounge to find my dog laying not moving. As I panic as my father picked up my dog up as we both ran. As we both got to the closest animal clinic. As I said my last goodbyes. As 20 yrs passed by at had all started again in a repeat of my life, but as I see it happening to someone else.
What did I think of the task?
It was ok I guess, I Did kinda of enjoyed it.
Did I like the task?
It was ok, because it really did not trigger me to cry tho but It was sad.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
What If I got $50 in the Summer learning journey.
Everyone in year 8 signed up for the summer learning journey. I am writing this blog post here. We all signed up for summer learning journey this year. I am writing this blog, especially for a person named Emma. If I won the summer learning journey, I will be given $50. Now speaking of $50, what will I do with it? I would probably spend it on junk food.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Writing Draft (The cat who wore red)
Writing Draft
There will be a few minor mistakes
The cat who wore red
Woods/ Forest with under growth Pine Trees, moss, den, Abandoned persons house, village
Woods/ Forest with under growth Pine Trees, moss, den, Abandoned persons house, village
Welcome, and enjoy my story similar to Red riding hood.
Mother Shade a she cat with a tortoise, shell pelt.
(The Cat who wore red), Flame, A Tom with a cream coloured, pelt, with red ginger, patches.
The big bad Fox - A rare red fox male
Orientation: Woods/ Forest with under groth PIne Trees, moss, den, Abandoned persons house (Thats where to find the catmint to cure his mother cold)
Physical Setting
Once upon a time, there lived a young cat named Flame, he lived with his mother, on the edge of the woods near a village, in a turf makeshift den.
One bright dawn he woke to find his mother falling ill, so he sets off on a journey to find a herb to cure her for the nasty sickness that she had. He walked closer to the village, as he found a crack in the side of and old stone wall that still stood.
He Crawled through a crack in the stone wall. As soon as he squeezed through the gap he looked up, he could see so much, he hadn't seen before “wha…” he meowed surprisingly. He could see in the distance “it’s the scent… That the herb!” he yelled before scrambling between the workers legs. He padded up to the abandoned house, where the herb grew out of the cracks of the brick. “Ehhhh, com on… eh...” he groaned trying to pull the herb out of the crack. “Fewf finally” he mumbled, with a mouthful of the herbs between his Jaws. As he passed through the stumbling feet of the workers. “Watchout little kitty!” yelled a little girl in the distance. She did not know who she was talkin’ to I am not a kitty im a wild cat. As he passed through the other people. As he headed back through the crack in the stone wall.
Hook to problem
He walked and walked it felt for ages.
“Nearly there little kitty...” a mysterious voice came out of the gloom “who are you? Where are you” mewed softly with fear.
“Don't mind me,” the mysterious voice barked, as a figure formed out of the gloom.
“F-F Fox!” He squeaked. As his fur fluffed up. His amber gaze stared at him in shock.
“I'm not going to hurt you,” he growled, as he shocked his head, and paced slowly closer.
“What do you want!” He mewed, in fear and anger. “Oh I just want to ask you. Where
is the nearest flower patch around here?” he barked.
“Don't mind me,” the mysterious voice barked, as a figure formed out of the gloom.
“F-F Fox!” He squeaked. As his fur fluffed up. His amber gaze stared at him in shock.
“I'm not going to hurt you,” he growled, as he shocked his head, and paced slowly closer.
“What do you want!” He mewed, in fear and anger. “Oh I just want to ask you. Where
is the nearest flower patch around here?” he barked.
“Oh. That way, near the human village,” he pointed. “Oh Ok! Thanks” as he waved and left down
the trail in the meadow.
the trail in the meadow.
Flame turned around and headed in the direction of his mother's house, he reached for the handle.
“Mother I'm home!” He purred as he shut the door behind him. He started sorting out the herbs on
the table. He grabbed the jug as he started to fill a bowl with hot water. Within another bowl he
crushed the herbs into small flakes. He poured the crushed herbs into a bowl, as he grabbed a
spoon off the shelf. He placed the spoon on the tray next to the bowl of the herb soup “Mother,
I'm coming.” He grasped the tray and took it to her room,
“Mother I'm home!” He purred as he shut the door behind him. He started sorting out the herbs on
the table. He grabbed the jug as he started to fill a bowl with hot water. Within another bowl he
crushed the herbs into small flakes. He poured the crushed herbs into a bowl, as he grabbed a
spoon off the shelf. He placed the spoon on the tray next to the bowl of the herb soup “Mother,
I'm coming.” He grasped the tray and took it to her room,
He slowly opened the door, “Mother I've got the antidote.” He mewed to her. His mother did
not reply. “Dear, is that you?” She croaked, He scented the smell of fox, “Mother is that really
you?” Already knowing it not his mother. “Yes dear, could you come a bit closer?” He barked.
He placed down the tray, on her mothers drawer. “Ok mother…” In a rapid second the fox tried
to bite down on his neck but he was too slow… As flame bit down on his neck,
“OWWW!” The fox moaned. As he ran out the door.
not reply. “Dear, is that you?” She croaked, He scented the smell of fox, “Mother is that really
you?” Already knowing it not his mother. “Yes dear, could you come a bit closer?” He barked.
He placed down the tray, on her mothers drawer. “Ok mother…” In a rapid second the fox tried
to bite down on his neck but he was too slow… As flame bit down on his neck,
“OWWW!” The fox moaned. As he ran out the door.
Explanation: The door slowly creaked opened, “Mother I've got the antidote” he mewed to her. His mother did not reply. He jumped as soon as she spoke.“Dear, is that you?” She croaked, He scented the smell of a yucky fox, “Mother is that really you?” guessing that is it not his mother. “Yes dear, could you come a bit closer?” She barked. He placed down the tray, on her mothers drawer. He turned to her“Ok mother…” In a rapid second the fox tried to bite down on his neck but he was too slow… As flame bit down on his neck, “OWWW!” The fox moaned. As he ran out the door.
Solution: “Mother? A-Are you there?” he mewed horsley. He ducked under the his mothers matted bed that is covered in fox fur. “Mother you're alive!” he cried. Flame ripped the tape off her moist muzzle, “ouch” she croaked. Flame grabbed her mother a the piece of rope, “It is all my fault” he cried as he started to unravel the rope. “It is not your fault tho you did nothing wrong dear,” she coughed. “But I did-” as he pawed her mother to her bed as her felt a stroke of guilt in him, she sat down on her fox-furred mattress. He stood up to grab the bowl of soup, as he turned to look at her.“Mother I got the herbs to make you feel better, so sip it up.” As his mother grabbed the bowl gently out of his loose paws. “Thanks flame,” she mumbled she gazed up at him happily. As they both lived happily ever after. The end…
Term 4,
Wk 1,
Writing Draft (The cat who wore red)
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Australia Facts and info
Today in cybersmart, we are doing a research on any country. And I chose Australia. Here are some questions I have to answer down below.
The name of the country is Australia
The capitals city population 356,585
In January the weather in the capital usually is sunny.
The capital city is located south east in Australia
The most common langues spoken there is English
- Australia is the six largest country in the world!
- Australia is the driest country than any other any continent on earth, other than Antarctica.
- Australia is the only place that is covered by a single country.

Water safety Task; 3
This Term, The Yr 8's are having an EOTC week. Before then, we have Tasks to do, so here is another one of them below.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Does blogging help improve my learning?
I agree on this point. I think creating a blog post does help your learning.
As people could give you feedback of what you have done.
As people could give you feedback of what you have done.
If you do not recognise your own mistakes, you can get other people
in your class to proofread it. And if they miss some of your own
mistakes. You could get feedback by posting it on your blog. Then the
person that comments on your work you have posted, they could
give you feedback on what to fix or what to add.
in your class to proofread it. And if they miss some of your own
mistakes. You could get feedback by posting it on your blog. Then the
person that comments on your work you have posted, they could
give you feedback on what to fix or what to add.
Then you can fix up your mistakes afterwards, as you are improving
your work by other people's opinions. They can give you nice comments
about your work, as you would feel proud about what you have done. I
still strongly agree.
your work by other people's opinions. They can give you nice comments
about your work, as you would feel proud about what you have done. I
still strongly agree.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Maths - Picking Pocket Money
Picking pocket money
For maths, Me and Wajihah worked together, on this task.
$5 x 52 = 260
| |
| |
| |
| |
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
| |
4 $5
1 $1
6 $10
2 $2
2 $2
6 $10
3 $4
1 $1
3 $4
| |
1 $1
4 $5
3 $4
5 $7
4 $5
6 $ 10
2 $ 2
4 $ 5
5 $7
4 $ 5
3 $4
4 $5
5 $7
1 $1
5 $7
2 $2
3 $
6 $
4 $
| |
2 $2
3 $4
5 $7
4 $5
5 $7
5 $7
2 $2
5 $7
6 $10
2 $2
2 $2
4 $5
3 $4
2 $2
| |
6 $10
3 $4
4 $5
1 $1
4 $5
1 $1
3 $4
4 $5
3 $4
| |
2 $2
2 $2
4 $5
5 $7
2 $2
3. I would suggest you should choose the dice one, because, you will get an extra three dollars.
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