1. Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What two possible reasons do his friends suggest?
= He's in love, and he is worried about his ships because the ships have the profits on them.
2. Do you think Gratiano’s contributions help Antonio’s mood?
= Yes.
3. What are your first impressions of Bassanio?
=He owes a lot of money to many people.
4. Is he in love?
= He is not sure with himself.
5. Why does he need to borrow money again now
= To impress Portia.
Act One, Scene Two
6. How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s?
= how miserable they are
7. What is the reason for her mood?
= she has no idea
8. Do you think Nerissa is a help to her?
= yes
9. Sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia’s attitude to her suitors so far
= not very impressed and disliked toward their behaviors.
Act 1, Scene Three
1. Shylock is a moneylender. Does he seem eager to do business with Bassanio? How do you know?
=No. Because Bassanio, Going through Antonio, Isn't confident he's able to pay it back in time, or at all.
2. Which does Shylock think is safe, his business or Antonio’s? Why?
= His business, Antonio doesn't have the money on hand and his boats could sink at any second.
Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio?
=Because of their religions. Bassanio and Antonio would most likely have food that
Shylock isn't allowed to eat, due to religion.
3. What strict principal of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio?
= Never lend or borrow money with interest.
4. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince Antonio? Give evidence.
= No. He said it was going by luck
6. Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole cataloge of nastiness. How does Antonio answer the charges?
= Yes I have done it and I'll do it again
7. How does Bassanio react to the proposed bond?
= He disagrees to make Antonio's life in danger for money.
Act Two, Scene One
1. This scene opens with the words ‘Mislike me not for my complexion’ Why does the Prince think Portia will have a problem with his complexion?
= Never marry anyone else ever in their whole life.2. In Act 1 if Antonio loses his gamble, he must forfeit a pound of flesh. What must Portia’s suitors give up if they fail to win her? A2S1 Line 37-42
= Because he has dark skin and Portia has lighter skin than Morocco.
3. Portia tells the Prince of Morocco- ‘Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as any comer I have looked on yet for my affection’ What does this mean? (if you’re unsure check sparknotes translation)
= Never marry anyone else ever in their whole life.
4. Shylock practices ‘usury’. Explain this in your own words?
= It is practicing how to lend money with interest.
5. Why do Shylock and Antonio hate each other?
= Because of their different religions and because Antonio spat on shylock, and that shylock believes the devil's spirit is within a pig.
Act Two, Scene Two
1. Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Copy out 2 quotes from the text to support your thinking. E.g A2S2 Line 26, 102
= He does not think much of him he complains about working for shylock for starving and not feeding him. He does not get fed.
2. Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont?
In lines 114-142...
= He worried that he would get drunk and make a fool out of him
3. Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to
a. frequent interruptions. -
b. contradictions
c. misuse of words to impress.
Find examples of each of these in the text.
= C. he uses the wrong words to impress him.
--- Act three, four and five answers and questions were written in my b.ook
1. Complete this quote that tells us what Jessica threw down to Lorenzo. ‘Here, catch this casket, it is worth the pain’ A2S6 (Black Pg. 69, Blue Pg.31)
2. Jessica says ‘I am glad tis night, you do not look on me, For I am much asham’d of my exchange’ A2S6 (Black Pg. 69, Blue Pg.31). Why doesn’t Jessica want Lorenzo to see her?
Because she is dressed as a page boy and she thinks she does not look pretty and she is embarrassed about her appearance.
3. Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano? (Black Pg. 71, Blue Pg.52)
Trying to find Gratonio because the ship is about to leave without him.
Act Two, Scene Seven
Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait?
Complete this quote ‘Is’t like that lead contains her; ‘Twere damnation to think so base a thought’ (Black Pg. 79, Blue Pg.54)
Portia’s father uses the casket test to find her the most suitable husband. Do you think his test is working?
= To test them in their ways as he chose wrong.
Act Two, Scene Eight
What two disasters have happened to Shylock?
= Losing his daughter, and losing his money.2. Complete this quote that tells where Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica have gone? ‘The villain Jew with outcrises raised the duke, who went with him to search Bassanio's ship’ (Black Pg. 81, Blue Pg.55)
3. How did Bassanio and Antonio leave Venice?
= On his boat.
‘In the narrow seas that part the French and English, there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught’ (Black P. 83, Blue P.56) What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? = He thinks that the boat the sunk was Antonio's, full of his profits.
Act Two, Scene Nine
1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
= To make it tricky for them to chose
2. Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden casket?
= Because gold was too flashy and the lead was not the right choice so he chose silver.
3. Complete this quote from the golden casket ‘He who ________ me shall _____ what ____ men desire’ (Black Pg. 87, Blue Pg.58)
4. Finish this quote that shows us Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival ‘Come, come, Nerissa; for I ____ to see quick _____ post that comes so ________’ (Black Pg. 91, Blue Pg.61
Complete this quote ‘Is’t like that lead contains her; ‘Twere damnation to think so base a thought’ (Black Pg. 79, Blue Pg.54)
Portia’s father uses the casket test to find her the most suitable husband. Do you think his test is working?
= To test them in their ways as he chose wrong.
Act Two, Scene Eight
What two disasters have happened to Shylock?
= Losing his daughter, and losing his money.2. Complete this quote that tells where Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica have gone? ‘The villain Jew with outcrises raised the duke, who went with him to search Bassanio's ship’ (Black Pg. 81, Blue Pg.55)
3. How did Bassanio and Antonio leave Venice?
= On his boat.
‘In the narrow seas that part the French and English, there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught’ (Black P. 83, Blue P.56) What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? = He thinks that the boat the sunk was Antonio's, full of his profits.
Act Two, Scene Nine
1. What is the purpose of the rhymes in the caskets?
= To make it tricky for them to chose
2. Why does the Prince of Arragon discard the golden casket?
= Because gold was too flashy and the lead was not the right choice so he chose silver.
3. Complete this quote from the golden casket ‘He who ________ me shall _____ what ____ men desire’ (Black Pg. 87, Blue Pg.58)
4. Finish this quote that shows us Portia’s reaction to Bassanio’s arrival ‘Come, come, Nerissa; for I ____ to see quick _____ post that comes so ________’ (Black Pg. 91, Blue Pg.61
Hey Tyra well done on this blog andddddd that's all yeah great job