
Friday, November 29, 2019

English; 30-35 sec film Recap

 In English for the past 3 weeks, we have been working towards producing a 30-35 second film, I believe we have finished the film overall editing we do not have the film yet because someone doesn't have any data to do so. So the video will be here on this post soon. 

Our overall teamwork was excellent, we agreed on everything and listened to each other suggestions. It was pretty fun to do this even tho I was the one filming and making many mistakes.

(All of the Blog posts of our progress and goals are down below)


SOST; Sustainability Inquiry

This isn't necessarily proofread so they may be the wrong words, punctuation in the wrong, place and repetition.

What is the environmental/social sustainability issue?
Deforestation is one of the biggest and most vital sources of pollution.
Humans taking away homes, land from animals and other species for
factors and palm oil-based plant farms. And making room for other
unnamed things. 20 percent of the world's oxygen is produced by
the Amazon forest. Half of the world's tropical forests have already
been cleared out, this increases the rate of global warming. This is
an issue that may not affect us now but will diffenently affect us in
the near future and how will live in our own lifestyles. There are
many endangered species homes that are being taken away due to
us taking away from their homes. 80 percent of the earth's land
animals and plants are affected that live in forests. deforestation
threatens species including, orangutan, Sumatran tiger,
and heaps of species of birds.

What factors have caused this issue? Humans mainly and wildfires. And human-made farms and factories degrading the environment. pollution will grow more and moreover the earth. From wood extraction, (logging or wood harvest for fuel or charcoal) For road building and more land for the growing population. there is not really a direct cause for deforestation which comes from any things mainly us at the most. The causes are livestock ranching, logging, overpopulation, and lastly Infrastructure Expansion. The main things cause soil erosion, water cycle, loss of biodiversity, and at the last climate change. Deforestation takes many endangered species by letting them crowd up in the bit of forest that is left or even left to die.

What will happen if this issue continues to degrade? The earth may slowly begin to turn into an overpopulated sandy rock and over-polluted, there would be less air to breathe by that more carbon dioxide and other gasses polluting us and the entire earth. they are used for, wastelands, urban use, logged area, mining, fires, logging, it is estimated in within 100 years time there will be no rain forests left. the rate of deforestation equals the loss of 20 football fields every minute. The overexploitation of forests is making it difficult to replant new life/plants. Deforestation affects the water cycle. We would have fewer animals and other creatures roaming the earth and this will affect the many food chains linking to other species to become extinct.

What are the possible solutions to this issue (either being currently done or could be done)?  Plant new trees, use other products than wood, recycle used paper give it another purpose. Stop ruining the forests for factories and other uses for money. We need to preserve the things we already have and keep on reusing them, instead of taking more away. Reduce the amount of beef we take in, to tone down the pressure to clear more forests for cattle. we could also cut down the use of paper plates and plastic utensils. and using a refillable drink bottle and filling them with tap water. Choose reusable items over disposable. Also repairing leaky faucets and taps and toilets, collecting rainwater for gardens and you could also green up your lawns with a variety of plants and trees. Startup a compost pile.

Overall I believe that I did well to find/to search for information for this deforestation project, I think I well packed these with my best prior knowledge from past learning. From the sources, I only needed to use two of them I actually didn't need the others because I found so much on the others. I learned about the problems and effects causing deforestation, ranching, wastelands, urban use, logged area, mining, fires, logging all of these problems are mostly human-caused. The solutions to deforestation are, collecting rainwater, green up your lawns with a variety of plants and trees, and start up a compost pile. I've learned so much more than I intended now I really understand the impacts and the solutions onto the environment more clearly. 
Image result for deforestation

Thursday, November 28, 2019

English; Write that essay

1. Spot the dog sniffed a bone
2. Thor raised the hammer
3. The ancient Greeks pointed a taser
4. President trump drank too much wine
5. Mum, Mrbrown climbed a tree
6. The sports stadium filled with fans
7 President Trump rode a moose


1. Savagely prince Fiona rode a moose
2. Brutally the ancient greeks fought the orc army
3. Athletically spot the dog ran a marathon.
4. Fortunately, global warning shocked the world
5. Unexpectedly, spot the dog pointed a taser


1. When the enemy approached, president trump drunk too much whine
2. While discussing philosophy,  clearance and jeff sniffed a bone
3.  While fossil fuels continue to be used, global warning shocked the world
4. When out for a stroll, President Trump shocked the world


1. Standing before thousands, the ancient greeks drunk too much whine.
2. Ignoring the rules president trump pointed a taser
3. Breathing heavily thor ran a marathon
4. Yelling a battle cry, mum, rode a moose
5. Feeling burning blisters mum carried heavy bags.


1. Appointed by a small majority, the ancient greeks carried heavy bags
2.  Motivated by spectators Mr brown ran a marathon
3. Dazed by the intense sun, Thor rode a moose
4. Triggered 150 years ago, global warming shocked the world
5. Empowered by the gods, the ancient Greeks, fought the orc army.


1. Andre, who had no self-control pointed a taster
2. Thor, who skipped school climbed a tree
3. President Trump, who nobody liked fought the orc army

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Home economics; carrot cake cupcakes

in cooking, this time we made carrot cake cupcakes, we used, gathering the ingredients together was kindas of easy gathering them and mixing and combining. Overall we had put the oven and pastry bake instead of fan bake so it kinda mucked it up so we had undercooked cupcakes but still, they tasted good. We used flour, white sugar, salt, carrots, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, oil, and eggs.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

English 30-35 second film (Day 7)

In English this time we are, we are working on work on removing the background sound and, and adding extra details to the film, we are nearly there to finish up on this we just need to review over this a bit more and improving the film we got so far. In the end, we managed to mostly all of it done. Our next goal is to keep reviewing it over it adding and cutting our minor things, then we will be all set.

English; 30-35 Seocnd Film (Day 4)

In English we've just about finishing the 30- 35-second film as we only have about two scenes to film now, we couldn't finish the others because we needed a certain person to be in it but they weren't here so we couldn't record it. We had just about finished the last two scenes we are going to begin editing them all together now and next time. overall we were mostly onto filming it, we think it turned out great.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Science; Exsistance of Black holes

In science, our task after the text was to chose from a variety of ideas from a slide show shown to us.  I've finally decided to do it on Blackholes about their main branching of facts and theories.

A black hole forms from the center of a great fallen star collapsing up upon itself. When it collapses it creates a huge supernova or a and exploding star which blasts part of the star into space.
The names, ''no point of no return', is the area and region around the black hole called the event horizon. This is the area where the gravity around the black hole pulls all material into the Blackhole, as it spins around it like a whirlpool until reaching the center.

A black hole is an area or so to say the region of space from which nothing can escape from its wraith when you enter its gravity pull there's no chance of escaping. Apparently to the general theory of relativity, it is the result of manipulating of curving spacetime caused by a huge mass. Around a black hole, there is an entry with no return called the event horizon. The opposite of a Wormhole, that allow you to travel somewhere random and with a chance of return.

Black holes do not create radiation on their own, there are detected by radiation given off by material that is heated in the accretion disk and also by the black holes gravitational pull. Or by even light passing by.

Image result for black hole pictures
(These facts and theories that are combined throughout these paragraphs maybe not be 100 percent true...)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

English; 30-35 Second film (Day 1)

In English, we've started a new topic about a 30-35 long film, we've been divided into the group between 3-4. with Tia, Subnesh. I think we've had a great start into planning this, trying to explain it is kinda simple we've nearly finished the planning. We are doing Studying one, so one person is studying and the other person is not studying in this film there will be many different shots that I cannot remember, I cannot wait to film this to get this done.

Image result for film reel

Home Economics; Paper Rolls

In cooking, we worked on a similar thing to spring rolls, instead of using pastry we used paper rice roles. They included carrots, cucumber, mayo, lettuce, capsicum, sprouts. and others that I've forgotten. I think our teamwork was well presented with some muck up on cutting some ingredients. With using the paper rice rolls I think they didn't have the best of taste with the paper rice rolls.

Image result for paper rice rolls

(it didn't actually look like this I just took a pictures from google bc we forgot to take photos of it oh well.)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

English; Box Question tasks (Turquoise- Copper- Saffron)


1. = (A)
2. = (A)
3. = (C)
4. = (A)
5. = (B)
6. = (?)
7. = (A)
8. = (B)
9. = (B)
10. = (B)
11. =  -
12. = -
The Bermuda triangle
1. = (B)
2. = (A)
3. = (A)
4. = (B)
5. = (C)
6. = (B)
7. = (B)
8. = (A)
9. = (C)
10. = (B)
11. = (C)
12. = (B)

Stop shark fining
1. (B) 
2. (C)
3. (A)
4. (A)
5. (A)
6. (A)
7. (C)
8. (C)
9. (A)
10. (A)
11. (B)
12. (A)
The new 7 wonders of the world
1. (B)
2. (C)
3. (C)
4. (A)
5. (B)
6. (C)
7. (C)
8. (C)
9. (B)
10. (A)
11. (A)
12. (A)
(couldn't find the answer sheet)
The lady of shallot
1. (B)
2. (A)
3. (C)
4. (B)
5. (C)
6. (A)
7. (A)
8. (A)
9. (A)
10. (C)
11. (A)
12. (B)
Sigurd the dragon-slayer
1. (A)
2. (C)
3. (B)
4. (B)
5. (B)
6. (A)
7. (C)
8. (B)
9. (B)
10. (B)
11. (A)
12. (A)

Howling wolves
1. (A)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (A) 
5. (B)
6. (C)
7. (A)
8. (B)
9. (C)
10. (A)
11. (A)
12 (C)

1. (A)
2. (B)
3. (C)
4. (A)
5. (B)
6. (C)
7. (A)
8. ()
(forgotten about it)
(Tue Nov 12)
The urban rodent and the rural rodent
1. (B)
2. (A)            (I forgot to write the answers)
4. (A)
5. (B)
6. (C)
7. (A)
8. (B)
9. (C)
10. (B)
11. (C)
12. (A)

The day the sky fell
1. (A) storminess
2. (C) up to five
3. (B) paragraph 3
4. (B) stratosphere
5. (A) thermosphere
6. (C) the troposphere
7. (B)  weather balloons
8. (C)  top of the troposphere
9. (C) a rapid drop in air pressure
10. (A) People climbing Mt Everest (it's too long to write)
11. (B)  in 1996 freak weather
12. (C)  relate and interesting and usual scientific event

Friday, November 8, 2019

SOST; Rotorua Lakes Pollution Problem

Image result for rotorua lakes

Rotorua lakes Pollution Problem
The current situation regarding the lake's conditions. The lakes are a significant resource to the town's water supply for all their needs. What pollution is polluting the lakes? Over the years the lakes have been polluted by mainly us by wastewater seeping into the lake, and cows droppings and urine, and fertilizers.

They have started to improve the lakes slowly by stopping in how much pollution seeps into the lakes as five of them can be seen as having some improvement. The future for the lakes? Hopefully, the lake's pollution wouldn't get any worse at the times being. If did there would be a big problem in the future of the lake's water usage so the water could be drinkable again.

(This is not well proofread this point so they may be some mistakes and reptation or words)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Critical Literacy

Focus- representations
vocab; serotypes, construction, bias, gender, masculinity, feminity
drinking, looking at girls, calling each other mate, young boy drink too much alcohol

=Was it fair?
It wasn't really fair if one of them had missed out on the drinking that wouldn't really be fair but the guy who wasn't meant to drink as he didn't at the start but he felt left out so he started to drink with them even knowing that he was meant to drive, as he ended up crashing, and losing his friends trust, they no longer call them 'mate,' they just call him by his first name.

How are children, teenagers or young adults contracted in this text?
the are shown to be irresponsible, and carless on what the do with their actions by drinking.

How does the text present age gender or cultural groups?
It shows them by stereotyping them all by all of their ages that they all drinking, and playing pool and hanging out.

Why is the text written this way?
To try to show the different stereotypes of young adults,
 drinking, playing pool, so it makes all young adults seem that all they did hanging out.

Is this text fair?
Young teenagers and young adults were portrayed like this drinking. It is fair to stop them from drink driving.

How are children, teenagers or young adults constructed in this text?
they are shown partying at his house, and one that was outside everything on what it could happen. to let no one leave the house to drive home drunk.

How does the text present age, gender or cultural groups?
the kids yelling at the guy talking to himself walking down the street.
as the guys drinking inside are parting are mostly males.

Why is the text written this way?
to show the stereotyping that Maori and PI drinking at someone's house???
stereotyping the way and talk.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Home economics; Smoothies

In-home economics, we made fruity ilk shakes os each of our four groups was given restrictions and must have in their smoothies we were a strawberry blast at first then changed to berry blast in the second round. The others we compete with were Rainbow blend, cracking coconut, and banana breezy.

My opinion on them; Sensory evaluation
Rainbow Blend
My thoughts about all of the fruits were a great mixture like sours and sweetness,  I liked the texture but I think a little less on the fruit it kind of overpowering on the flavors.

Cracky coconut
The first time was really heavy on the coconut milk I noticed the other peoples around me reactions. The second time it was mostly fruits, it needs a bit of work

Banana Breezy
the first time around it tasted perfect it was not too heavy on the banans or the milk and the other ingredients. The second time around when they added chocolate chips the taste was kind of lost, but overall it tasted pretty good.

Berry Blast
Lastly, our group the first time it was really good with the strawberries and the icecream, milk, and yogurt, but there is one thing about the first time around we put a bit too much yogurt. The second time around we added raspberries, it was really really chunky because the ice cream didn't melt, it was a bit cold but it still tasted ok.