Writing Draft
There will be a few minor mistakes
The cat who wore red
Woods/ Forest with under growth Pine Trees, moss, den, Abandoned persons house, village
Welcome, and enjoy my story similar to Red riding hood.
Mother Shade a she cat with a tortoise, shell pelt.
(The Cat who wore red), Flame, A Tom with a cream coloured, pelt, with red ginger, patches.
The big bad Fox - A rare red fox male
Orientation: Woods/ Forest with under groth PIne Trees, moss, den, Abandoned persons house (Thats where to find the catmint to cure his mother cold)
Physical Setting
Once upon a time, there lived a young cat named Flame, he lived with his mother, on the edge of the woods near a village, in a turf makeshift den.
One bright dawn he woke to find his mother falling ill, so he sets off on a journey to find a herb to cure her for the nasty sickness that she had. He walked closer to the village, as he found a crack in the side of and old stone wall that still stood.
He Crawled through a crack in the stone wall. As soon as he squeezed through the gap he looked up, he could see so much, he hadn't seen before “wha…” he meowed surprisingly. He could see in the distance “it’s the scent… That the herb!” he yelled before scrambling between the workers legs. He padded up to the abandoned house, where the herb grew out of the cracks of the brick. “Ehhhh, com on… eh...” he groaned trying to pull the herb out of the crack. “Fewf finally” he mumbled, with a mouthful of the herbs between his Jaws. As he passed through the stumbling feet of the workers. “Watchout little kitty!” yelled a little girl in the distance. She did not know who she was talkin’ to I am not a kitty im a wild cat. As he passed through the other people. As he headed back through the crack in the stone wall.
Hook to problem
He walked and walked it felt for ages.
“Nearly there little kitty...” a mysterious voice came out of the gloom “who are you? Where are you” mewed softly with fear.
“Don't mind me,” the mysterious voice barked, as a figure formed out of the gloom.
“F-F Fox!” He squeaked. As his fur fluffed up. His amber gaze stared at him in shock.
“I'm not going to hurt you,” he growled, as he shocked his head, and paced slowly closer.
“What do you want!” He mewed, in fear and anger. “Oh I just want to ask you. Where
is the nearest flower patch around here?” he barked.
“Oh. That way, near the human village,” he pointed. “Oh Ok! Thanks” as he waved and left down
the trail in the meadow.
Flame turned around and headed in the direction of his mother's house, he reached for the handle.
“Mother I'm home!” He purred as he shut the door behind him. He started sorting out the herbs on
the table. He grabbed the jug as he started to fill a bowl with hot water. Within another bowl he
crushed the herbs into small flakes. He poured the crushed herbs into a bowl, as he grabbed a
spoon off the shelf. He placed the spoon on the tray next to the bowl of the herb soup “Mother,
I'm coming.” He grasped the tray and took it to her room,
He slowly opened the door, “Mother I've got the antidote.” He mewed to her. His mother did
not reply. “Dear, is that you?” She croaked, He scented the smell of fox, “Mother is that really
you?” Already knowing it not his mother. “Yes dear, could you come a bit closer?” He barked.
He placed down the tray, on her mothers drawer. “Ok mother…” In a rapid second the fox tried
to bite down on his neck but he was too slow… As flame bit down on his neck,
“OWWW!” The fox moaned. As he ran out the door.
Explanation: The door slowly creaked opened, “Mother I've got the antidote” he mewed to her. His mother did not reply. He jumped as soon as she spoke.“Dear, is that you?” She croaked, He scented the smell of a yucky fox, “Mother is that really you?” guessing that is it not his mother. “Yes dear, could you come a bit closer?” She barked. He placed down the tray, on her mothers drawer. He turned to her“Ok mother…” In a rapid second the fox tried to bite down on his neck but he was too slow… As flame bit down on his neck, “OWWW!” The fox moaned. As he ran out the door.
Solution: “Mother? A-Are you there?” he mewed horsley. He ducked under the his mothers matted bed that is covered in fox fur. “Mother you're alive!” he cried. Flame ripped the tape off her moist muzzle, “ouch” she croaked. Flame grabbed her mother a the piece of rope, “It is all my fault” he cried as he started to unravel the rope. “It is not your fault tho you did nothing wrong dear,” she coughed. “But I did-” as he pawed her mother to her bed as her felt a stroke of guilt in him, she sat down on her fox-furred mattress. He stood up to grab the bowl of soup, as he turned to look at her.“Mother I got the herbs to make you feel better, so sip it up.” As his mother grabbed the bowl gently out of his loose paws. “Thanks flame,” she mumbled she gazed up at him happily. As they both lived happily ever after. The end…