1. Spot the dog sniffed a bone
2. Thor raised the hammer
3. The ancient Greeks pointed a taser
4. President trump drank too much wine
5. Mum, Mrbrown climbed a tree
6. The sports stadium filled with fans
7 President Trump rode a moose
1. Savagely prince Fiona rode a moose
2. Brutally the ancient greeks fought the orc army
3. Athletically spot the dog ran a marathon.
4. Fortunately, global warning shocked the world
5. Unexpectedly, spot the dog pointed a taser
1. When the enemy approached, president trump drunk too much whine
2. While discussing philosophy, clearance and jeff sniffed a bone
3. While fossil fuels continue to be used, global warning shocked the world
4. When out for a stroll, President Trump shocked the world
1. Standing before thousands, the ancient greeks drunk too much whine.
2. Ignoring the rules president trump pointed a taser
3. Breathing heavily thor ran a marathon
4. Yelling a battle cry, mum, rode a moose
5. Feeling burning blisters mum carried heavy bags.
1. Appointed by a small majority, the ancient greeks carried heavy bags
2. Motivated by spectators Mr brown ran a marathon
3. Dazed by the intense sun, Thor rode a moose
4. Triggered 150 years ago, global warming shocked the world
5. Empowered by the gods, the ancient Greeks, fought the orc army.
1. Andre, who had no self-control pointed a taster
2. Thor, who skipped school climbed a tree
3. President Trump, who nobody liked fought the orc army