
Thursday, March 14, 2019

English Task; Descriptive words about a candle and a stone

The Small Stone - Eighteen words describing a small white stone.

solid, strong, tough, concentrated, adamantine, callous, compact, compacted, compressed, consolidated, dense, firm, hardened, impenetrable, stiff, stony, thick, unyielding.

The Smooth Stone Poem
As the whistling white stone sits on the end of the cliff, it shines, it glows, it's tough, its round and firm. It feels like the hard ground.

Related image

The golden Candle  - Eighteen words describing a candle.

torch, dip, rushlight, blazing, glossing, beaming, burning, gleaming, lightened, polished, lustrous, alight, ablaze, golden, glittering, yellow, white, twinkling.

The Waxy Candle Poem

A single candle, that is not alight under the bright light. As it sits with golden- yellow stripes, that strip through it. 

Image result for yellow striped candle

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