Idea One (first initial idea)
Sphero Robs you
In DTE, I've begun planning out what the Sphero could do and I've come up with an idea or scenario where the Sphero robs you (kind of) it asking you for money as every time it speaks the Sphero will light up. And if you don't give the Sphero the money in the time it will play a gunshot sound and steal your money that way (and the sphere would be holding a mini model gun). If you do give the Sphero the money it will thank you and run in the opposite direction. The way it would steal your money is by making contact with you (shaking and placing it back down or waving your hand in front of it). (like how people pay you money with pay-wave. (as a joke))
Equipment that might be needed: Paper, cardboard, pencils, pens. Well-charged Sphero, and device to connect it to (w/Bluetooth).
Idea Two (suggested by teacher because my idea is too dark)
Sphero needs attention
This idea is kind of more family-friendly of sorts? Where you have Sphero needing attention like shaking him (violently). if you don't complete the task it will take a Sphero point away from you(it will play a negative sound of how many times you lose a point). Take Sphero on a spin as one of the tasks you have to get Sphero to preform to regain (5 points as it will play a sound five times.) The more you play the more difficult it becomes and more likely to lose points. I am not completely sure how to keep track of how many points you can get yet. but there will be a selected amount of time to get so many points as possible. for now, to know how many points you have is to keep track on paper or in your head.
Equipment that might be needed: Paper, cardboard, pencils, pens. Well-charged Sphero, and device to connect it to (w/Bluetooth).
Here's one of the past programs/w the code blocks I have used:
(The One the right is the original version from the tutorial, the one the right is the one from the tutorial video as the other one on the left is the version I edited and shortened with the help of the teacher.)

I've attempted to create the code but I have strong beliefs that It wouldn't work. due to me leaving not enough time to start and finish it so I only got it half-finished and kind of not bothered to finish it anyways.