For the past couple of weeks in Art, we started to make our very own stencils of our choice. I decided to not use a reference online of an already existing stencil and decided to create my own one. It took a bit to finish it due to taking a bit to draw all the bits and sections that I needed to cut out. This is the image I used for a reference for the stencil. (The stencil isn't the best lt could've been.) after I had finished the stencil I had tested it out on two bits of paper the first time I used it on a grey brick background it didn't look the best. because I had rushed it. the second time I used it I did it on black painted paper with a gradient it didn't look too good because I had a bit too much paint. I was too eager to start on the actual thing.

Overall I believe the final product turned out well. The background to others and even for me, it had the vibes/looks of a paranormal video of sorts. Due to that idea, I had added the video frame and REC button to it. I'm not that happy with the frame due to me not painting in a straight line. But the stencil did turn out pretty well on the pit of paper. I know I can do better next time and try to put more effort into it and take more time to paint. (instead of rushing to finish for no reason.)
Kia Ora Tyra, I think you did a very good "Chime Gen" portrait for this stencil assignment. You cut a very detailed stencil and used it it to good effect in your larger painting of the screen. I like how the figure emerges from the bottom of the screen where you've added more white paint texture. It's good that you used the question matrix to assist with you written post. If you answer in complete sentences then you have essentially written a post when you put the sentences together. For example, "The Chime stencil is painted in white to create a paranormal effect." Then you might explain whether the Chime is a paranormal or not or why you've made it appear so. Good mahi, Tyra!