
Thursday, July 29, 2021

English: Persuasive Writing (Pathos, Logos, Ethos)

Pathos is a quality that evokes pity or sadness

Pathos is used to persuade an audience by appealing to their emotions. authors use pathos to invoke sympathy for the audience; to make the audience feel what the author wants them to feel.

For instance: "if we don't move soon, we are all going to die! can't you see how dangerous it would be to stay?" 

Whenever someone try to make you feel bad enough to do something, they're using pathos as a rhetorical tool. pathos examples in everyday life include: a teenager tries to convince parents to buy him a new car by saying if they cared about their child's safety they'd upgrade him.


Logos is the principle of reason and judgment, associated with the animus

Logos is used to refer to the use of logic and reasoning in crafting a piece of persuasive writing or rhetoric. Logos can also be thought of as the text of the argument, as well as how well a writer has argued his/her point.

For instance: 'All men are mortal. Socrates is a man.'

Other examples of logos being used by a politician to plea for a tax reform: 'Our country has the highest income tax in the world.' Our own small businesses cannot compete with such a relatively high tax burden. therefore, the government should lower corporate income tax rates.


Ethos is the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community manifested in its attitudes and aspirations

Ethos can be applied to writing and public speaking, and all writers use ethos to a certain extent to establish authority on a given subject and to build trust with readers.

Examples of ethos can be shown in your speech or writing by sounding fair and demonstrating your expertise or pedigree. For instance: 'As a Doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results.'

What are we doing? -

Why are we doing it? - To help improve and build on our writing.

What questions do I have? - I have none surrounding this.

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