
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Terribe day

W.A.L.T recall  events through the eyes of an animal.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when my recount has a
  • Title
  • Orientation:  When? Who? Where? Why?
  • Sequence of events:  What happened? Describe using the senses (hear, taste, see, smell and feel).
  • Personal Comment:  How did the events make you feel?

First draft

Terrible Day

It was a Peaceful day on in the savanna. I woke up from sunbathing with  the pride.  Then I had a bath in the long straw grass, I heard the peaceful birds chirping in the dry wrinkly trees.

The pride and I were getting ready to strike. I peaked over the long lurk grass. I could see a herd of buffaloes one by one going around the river bank.  I just stared at the herd of buffaloes, I was slobbering on the dry spiky grass. I could feel the sharpness in the pointy leather grass.   I could  smell blood strokes through the bluish skies. I could hear the cicadas whistling in the wind. Then I started to crouch on my paws. I pounced!  I’m off in a dash with the pride, I targeted the buffalo calf, I was getting closer and closer. SPLASH, Went the calf into the mucky waters. I took a mouth full of dirty water and it tasted of mud,  I felt like a rope about to snap.  I used my claws to try to pull the calf up on the river bank.  Then… Came along croc and he looked very hungry, and he tried to steal the calf off me, then the pride helped me pull the calf out of the water, so the calf wasn't his lunch for the croc. The croc weakened, and he let go of the calf  out of the water from the crocodile.

Then the pride, I felt… I felt heavy footsteps, coming towards us, then buffaloes started to surround us, we must run but there is nowhere to run, then I escaped the herd then a buffalo started to chase after me. Ah. I could feel the pain inside of,my heart was pounding, I felt like machine that's about to explode. Then I stopped in my tracks and watched them getting wasted at the battlefield.  I fainted and couldn't see a thing. It felt like I fell in a black hole.

I survived my life of the disaster for the pride, I.  Then I saw some of the pride that survived the devastating disaster.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Battle at Kruger Sequence

Battle at Kruger Sequence

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1 The buffaloes are having a very  nice day walking along the river bank.
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2 The loins in the grass and see the buffaloes and the buffaloes did not see them.
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3 The lions started to crouch and... they are they're gone in a dash.
4 One of them goes after the baby buffalo.
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5 and the loin has nearly got the calf.
6 splash goes the the baby buffalo and the loins into the water then... The crocodile comes along and tries to steal the calf, like a tug rope.
7 The the loins dragged the baby to the bank and then… a big herd of buffaloes came to take back what was theirs. (The baby buffalo)
8 Then… the buffaloes started surrounding them.
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9 Then a buffalo charged at the loin and she got launched into the air like a toy.

My learning goals

Animal Creator


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Habitat: The savanna.

Diet: carnivore

Head: Tiger
Cheatgera's hearing is their sharpest sense, five times better than humans, and their night vision is six times stronger than humans. Bengal tigers have white spots, called “flashes” on the back of their ears.  The mighty roar of a Cheatgera can be heard up to two miles away.

Body: cheetah
Cheatgera's can go from 0 to 65 km (40 mi) per hour in three strides, with a single stride covering 7-8 meters (23-26 feet).

Tail: Dog Wags when happy

Monday, May 2, 2016

Life in the trenches

W.A.L.T describe what life was like for men and women in WW1 through a diary entry.